Routes: MY Blue Planet 1 offers North, Tiran, Brothers and Wreck Routes.
Length: 27 Meter
Width: 6,5 Meter
Speed: 10 bis 12 Knotes.
Engines: 2 x 600 MTU.
Generators: 1 x 80 kW, 1 x 50kW
Power Supply: 220 Volt.
Water Supply: 6.000 liter & 2 x Desalination-Plan 3678 liter/day sea.
Navigation: Radarsysteme 36/48n.m.2 Echo sounder, 1 GPS Color LCD Sounder, Chart plotter.
Communication: 3 Radiotele, HF, SSB, DSC, GSM Telefon, VHF.
Zodiac: 2 x 30 HP Suzuki
Safety: 2 x Life rafts each for 20 Persons.
First Aid: 2 x 50 liter Oxygen Tanks + 2 DAN oxygen kit.
Equipment: 25 X 12 l. Aluminium tank, INT and DIN.
Nitrox: Partial pressure system.
Facilities: 8 twin bed/double bed cabins with en suite bathroom.