Single booking list

Here you can find our current dates for a diving cruise / liveaboard for a single or small groups.
* All prices in EURO (€) per person plus flight, local charges. Please refer to the fees listed below. These vary depending on the tour.
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Single booking list

Blue Planet Liveaboards diving cruises in the Red Sea for individual bookers or small groups.
All individual booked appointments per person plus flight, local fees. Please note the additional charges listed below. These vary depending on the tour.

Dreamlike Reefs

Here you can find our current dates diving cruise / liveaboard for single or small groups.

Liveaboard availability

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Book your diving cruise, and your choice of safari whether it’s snorkeling or diving. Discover the best coral reefs in the world and get to experience one of the world's most fascinating underwater in the Egyptian Red Sea.